Friday, August 20, 2010

How to earn the Igloo party, coffee server, pizza waiter, and 365 days stamps!

Today I will show you how to earn 4 more stamps! They are all for everyone, (but one is really hard for non-members) and 3/4 are medium and the last one is hard. Here are how to earn them.

Igloo Party
1. Go to your igloo.
2. Design your igloo. Non-members CAN'T do this. The best igloo designs that people go to most are Collages, Inns, and Snowball wars.

Igloo decorating tips
  •  Here are aproximate totals for the amount of people attending an igloo in the top 3 designs: Collages=30+, Inns=in the 20's, Snowball wars=less than 17.
  • Make a collage look like a collage. Use the chinese rice paper for lockers, Ancient ruin walls for dormitory walls, curved desks for desks in class, Tv's for dormitory entertainment, School chairs for chairs in class, bookshelfs, chalkboard, and wooden floor.
  • Make a snowball war look like a snowball war. Use a two floor igloo for the battlefield complete with snow flooring, snow walls for snowfort walls, snow towers with flags so you can play capture the flag, snowy trees and rocks to give it the outside look, windows with the forest background so it looks like you never entered an igloo, icicles, snowflakes, and whatever other wintery stuff so it looks good.
  • Make a inn look like a inn. Get ancient ruin walls for room walls, TV's for entertainment, curved desks for check in, and whatever else you would like! Include windows for a nice view too!
3. Now that you designed your igloo, advertise it! A good place to advertise is the town. But some people might want other places to go. So, if you made a collage, advertise at the Stadium.  Everyone loves a good snowball war, but if you see an army battling another army, try to get them in your war world to battle. And you never know who might want an inn, so go try everywhere!

4. After 10 people come, Stamp Earned! Try for more for another stamp!

  Coffee Server
1. Go to the coffee shop.
2. Wear a coffee server apron. In order to have one, you must unlock it from the treasure book or get it from a Penguin Style catalog. It may not be out at the moment, so just wait!
3. Make coffees by dancing but DON'T wear anything but the apron.
4. Keep pressing the dance button.
5. After it is done a few times, go to the emotes menu and choose the coffee emote over and over again.
6. Stamp earned!

Pizza Waiter
1. Go to pizza parlor.
2. Wear a pizza waiter apron. In order to have one, you must unlock it from the treasure book or get it from a penguin style catalog. It may not be out at the moment, so just wait!
3.DON'T WEAR ONLY THE HAT. It may make pizzas, but it doesn't give you a stamp. 
4. Make pizzas by dancing but DON'T wear anything but the apron.
5. Keep pressing the dance button.
6. After it is done a few times, go to the emotes menu and choose the pizza emote over and over again. 
7. Stamp earned!
365 Days!
1. Have fun on club penguin for a whole year!
2. Stamp earned!
                                                                                                               -Fishandfries, FCPSC leader

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